
Fibonacci sequence & Enneagram generation

1                     1           
2                     2
3                     3
5                     5
8                     8 
13                   4  (1+3)                            
21                   3  (2+1) 
34                   7  (3+4)
55                   1  (5+5=10, 1+0=1)
89                   8  (8+9=17, 1+7=8)
144                 9  (1+4+4=9)
233                 8  (2+3+3=8)
377                 8  (3+7+7=17, 1+7=8)
610                 7  (6+1+0=7)
987                 6  (9+8+7= 24, 2+4=6)
1597               4  (1+5+9+7=22, 2+2=4)
From Fibonacci Number, sum of each digit will be sequence of 24 repeat number i.e.
1 1 2 3 5 8 4 3 7 1 8 9 8 8 7 6 4 1 5 6 2 8 1 9
When arrange as circle, the magic number appear:

They are 124875 (cw), 124875 (ccw), 933966 & 181818.
For 124875, I would like to call Enneagram type 4.

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